Today we offer the best mobility solutions at local level through our Agencies in Bucharest, Brasov, and Cluj. The headquarters in Bucharest represents a pole of expertise and transfer of good practices in the territory.

Head Office
With an efficient management, the headquarters departments provide support in the territory to achieve the strategic objectives, promoting a strong organizational culture.

Bucharest Agency
Specialized in road infrastructure modernization and maintenance projects for both public and private clients, the Bucharest Agency serves the southern part of the country, differentiating itself by the special procedures successfully applied.

Brasov Agency
It is differentiated by the ability to manage large-scale projects involving large volumes of work performed and impressive quantities of mixtures produced. The dynamism of the team is proven by the completion of the projects before the deadlines agreed within the contracts.

Cluj Agency
Through the modernization works executed, the team of professionals from the Turda work point contributes to the economic and tourist development of the entire area. The bituminous mixture station in Gilau produces a wide range of bituminous mixtures of a superior quality recognized by our beneficiaries in the western part of the country.